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Level 4, 229 Moray Place, Dunedin 9016

Postal address:
PO Box 5505, Dunedin 9058


+64 3 470 0770

We provide local advice on commercial and personal insurance. Our Dunedin insurance brokers work with all industry sectors in the Otago region, including SME, corporate, and not-for-profit organisations. Call our brokers to discuss:

  • Liability, professional indemnity, commercial vehicle cover
  • Cyber, marine, construction, rural risk solutions
  • Home, contents, travel insurance
  • Life and health insurance
  • Comprehensive SME packages
  • Claims support

Our brokers

Catherine Adam

Group Broking Manager - Commercial

P +64 3 470 0786

Carys Addy

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 3 470 0743

AJ Ashton

Executive Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 0789

Stefanie Ashton

Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 0784

Krystine Barrett

Senior Broker - Commercial & Rural

P +64 3 470 0772

Catrina Begg

Group Broking Manager

P +64 3 470 0781

Richard Bevin

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 3262

Cameron Butler

Senior Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 3 470 0782

Jason Clark

Senior Adviser - Life & Health

P +64 3 470 3267

Owen Clarke

Group Broking Manager - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 0785

Patricia Conlon

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 3291

Christine Davey

Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 3269

Jon Farquhar

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 0744

Dave Gailey

Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 955 5881

Fern Goodman

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 3 470 3295

Graham Helm

Executive Broker - Corporate

P +64 3 470 3252

Sara Buerki

Adviser - Life & Health

P +64 3 955 5891

Maree McDonnell

Adviser - Life & Health

P +64 3 470 0741

Gaye McMinn

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 955 5882

Darren Munro

Regional Manager - Otago & Southland

P +64 3 470 0776

Mohit Parashar

Senior Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 0773

Mikaela Preston

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 3256

Mitch Pryde

Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 3290

Bronwen Romans

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 3253

George Russell

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 3 470 0770

George Thomas

Broker - Commercial

P +64 3 470 3257

Cindy Williamson

Senior Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 3 470 3251