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We gave our schools insurance clients the opportunity to win 100 lunches for their pupils. Te Kura o Ōmanaia from the Far North’s Hokianga District were the lucky winners of the nutritious - and tasty - prize.
For many years, Crombie Lockwood has arranged insurance for schools throughout New Zealand. The promotion to our schools insurance clients, offering the chance to win lunches for pupils, was an extension of our ongoing commitment and support for schools.
For Whangarei-based schools insurance broker, Shanine Alborough, the school lunch promotion proved another rewarding aspect of her role in partnering with school clients.
“I really enjoy helping tailor the right insurance solutions for schools as part of our dedicated programme, which was set up by Crombie Lockwood over 25 years ago,” she says. “Getting out and visiting schools, and especially being a part of special moments like today with Te Kura o Ōmanaia, is a very rewarding aspect to my job.”
The warmth and gratitude expressed by the kura, as provider Lunch by Libelle presented their lunches, was truly moving.
Time for lunch at Te Kura o Ōmanaia
The lunches were gratefully received by the students, with a mihimihi given by Principal Jon Smith on behalf of the school. A waiata and karakia followed from students and staff, acknowledged in return by Shanine, along with Lunch by Libelle Regional Operations Manager Te Tai Tokerau, Dion McCormick.
For Kaipara-born Dion, the passion for the Lunch by Libelle initiative runs deep.
“I have set a personal objective to never turn down a kura who needs support. Operationally this objective presents a few challenges and I’ve had many sleepless nights working out solutions. But I’m married to a school principal who also understands the difference that nutrition makes to a child’s education and she encourages me every step of the way. After all, overcoming the challenges is the only option; hungry tamariki is not,” he says.
To say the prize of 100 kids' lunches was well received by principal, Jon Smith, is something of an understatement. Ōmanaia is a decile 1 school, and socioeconomic challenges in the community can sometimes impact children receiving the nutrition they need to learn.
“We do have a programme in place to provide breakfast and lunches for our tamariki, which is very important given the area we live in,” explains Smith.
“Many of our families need support and assistance, and not all kids have the basic luxury of coming to school with lunch. But outside of that we were ecstatic that Te Kura o Ōmanaia had won something: to receive 100 free lunches, well, we’re all just really grateful. The kids will be so happy knowing that organisations from outside of this area do consider us, we’re all really happy about that.”
"Getting out and visiting schools, and especially being a part of special moments like today with Te Kura o Ōmanaia, is a very rewarding aspect to my job.” Shanine Alborough, School insurance broker.
Published April 2021