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Crombie Lockwood has joined forces with charity Trees for Survival, to support their schools education programme and the conservation of New Zealand’s precious environment.
Trees for Survival is a charitable trust which works with over 150 schools and local communities across New Zealand to grow and plant native trees along waterways and erosion-prone hillsides.
Its environmental education programme provides an opportunity for school children to make a practical difference to their environment, as well as learn about conservation, revegetation, wetland restoration, and the protection of stream quality.
Crombie Lockwood has recently become a Principal Partner of Trees for Survival. Crombie Lockwood’s Sponsorship & Events Manager, Cam Maloney, says this demonstrates the company’s continued commitment to a sustainable future.
“Our support helps Trees for Survival to reach more school kids through their tree planting program, which aims to educate them about horticulture and raise awareness around sustainability and how to help protect the environment. It’s this dual outcome of education and ecology which attracted us to this initiative.”
According to Cam, the partnership is the result of Crombie Lockwood wanting to support a local programme that promotes sustainable practices in New Zealand. This is in addition to the global corporate efforts of Gallagher, Crombie Lockwood’s parent company
Trees for Survival National Manager, Dennis Millard, says having Crombie Lockwood on board as a Principal Partner helps Trees for Survival reach more children in more schools.
“This aids in achieving our goals of not only regenerating our native ecology through the planting of native trees, but also gives our children the opportunity to participate in a programme that addresses their concerns of environmental damage and climate change."
Shotover Primary School take part in a tree planting day
Every participating school receives 1000 seedlings each year, which are grown and nurtured by the school children. Trees for Survival provides a six-metre-long shade house to store seedlings until they’ve grown to a size where they're ready to be planted.
Cam says the Crombie Lockwood team is looking forward to lending a hand with planting too.
"When the seedlings are ready, school kids go out and plant them. The Crombie Lockwood team can join them for these planting days. We’re very keen to pitch in and get involved,” says Cam.
The partnership with Trees for Survival extends a long relationship between Crombie Lockwood and New Zealand schools, too.
Crombie Lockwood has been working with schools for over 25 years. It insures almost half of New Zealand's schools through a specifically designed schools insurance solution that includes cover for business interruption, material damage, liability, employment disputes, cyber, and more.
In addition to supporting Trees for Survival, Crombie Lockwood takes part in Gallagher Group’s 200 Days of Sustainability initiative. This includes monthly challenges, held from May through to November, where staff are encouraged to volunteer in initiatives that support the community and environment or activities that eliminate hunger and food waste.
Crombie Lockwood is also the official partner of Save the Kiwi, a conservation charity committed to reducing the decline of kiwi.
Published July 2022